Felix Deiters

gaslight, gatekeep, hope labour
band-aid series
having issues
Have you ever been mad at something that didn’t explain itself to you? (Außenstelle)
The Questionnaire
all that is lost may grow (Zagreb beach towel)
flower petal (60x magnified)
Sowas wie Sie machen wir hier nicht

wtf is a non-binary university
how many stones until...
all flowers i found at funkhaus are purple



  • (un)patient

Bauhaus University, Weimar

untitled (hospital night gown), 2023
untitled (hospital room display), 2023
sex organ of unidentified flower (1), 2023

sex organ of unidentified flower (2), 2023

(un)patient chapter I-III
handbound fanzine (24 pages)
english & german text
untitled (altar), 2023
metal shelf, zine, microscope, textile, black waxed yarn, scalpel, awl, needle, scissors, pillow encased in hospital bedsheet and transparent pvc


The installation (un)patient forms around a three chapter narration and questionaire, displayed in textform as a handbound fanzine.
It takes place in an ambiguous space, merging studio, operating theater, confessional booth and hospital room into one, offering up the question if medical transition paths are ultimately designed to lead into cis-heteronormativity and where to go from there, when social constructs and norms intertwine with psychiatric diagnosis. Gazes onto the body turn into observations of microscopic organic forms, away from pre-determined symbols or the human scale of things.

(un)patient was awarded with the Lyonel Art Award 2023 for best fine arts graduation show at Bauhaus University.

(un)patient zine digital download

image courtesy Jay Steinert & the artist